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Transform into a Morning Person: 10 Ways to Improve Your Mornings

You’ve probably heard the old saying, "It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish." While that's true in races, it's not true of your day.

How you start matters for having an incredible day! Studies show that starting your day with intention can lead to greater happiness, productivity, and overall well-being.

If you tend to dislike the morning, you might think, "I'm just not a morning person."

BUT I think it's more likely that a few things you're doing are setting you up for rough mornings. Check this list and see if you're doing any of these.

Here are the top 10 ways you might be messing up your mornings.

Number 10: Not Getting Natural Light Exposure

Missing out on natural light in the morning messes with your circadian rhythm, which is crucial for mood and sleep quality. Natural light helps your body know when to wake up and when to sleep. Get outside or near a window to soak up some rays and kickstart your day. Trust me, your body will thank you.

Number 9: Having a Morning Routine That’s Too Long or Complicated

Overloading your morning with too many tasks can lead to burnout and decision fatigue. Your brain can only handle so many decisions in a day before it gets tired. Keep your routine short and sweet to set a positive, sustainable tone for the day. Simplicity is key.

Number 8: Drinking Coffee First Thing in the Morning Instead of Water

Starting with coffee on an empty stomach can cause acidity and dehydration. Your body craves water after a night’s sleep. Hydrate first to kickstart your metabolism and feel energized. Water helps your body function properly, and you can enjoy your coffee after.

Number 7: Not Setting a Consistent Wake-Up Time

Your body loves rhythm. Waking up at different times every day disrupts your internal clock, making it harder to feel rested and alert. Pick a time and stick to it, even on weekends, to help regulate your body’s natural rhythm.

Number 6: Not Activating the Body After Waking Up

When you wake up, your body is in a state of rest. Get it moving with some light exercise or stretching. Think of it as shifting your engine from park to drive. Quick push-ups, air squats, or even a brisk walk can do wonders to wake up your body and mind.

Number 5: Rushing to Get Ready

Starting your day in a panic triggers your body’s stress response, making it hard to stay calm and focused. Give yourself enough time to ease into the day and keep stress at bay. Plan your morning the night before to avoid the rush.

Number 4: Eating High Glycemic Index Foods for Breakfast

Breakfast sets the tone for your day. Avoid foods that spike your blood sugar, like cereals or pastries. These can give you a quick energy boost but lead to a crash later. Opt for a balanced meal with protein and healthy fats instead to keep your energy levels stable.

Number 3: Looking at Your Phone Immediately After Waking Up

Checking emails and social media first thing floods your brain with information, leading to stress and anxiety. Give yourself a ‘digital sunrise’ an hour after waking up, and watch how big of an impact this makes on your mental health. Start your day with a clear mind, not a cluttered one.

Number 2: Engaging in Negative Self-Talk or Stress-Inducing Activities

Starting your day with negativity can set a bad tone. Instead, practice gratitude and positive affirmations. Ask yourself, ‘What’s right with my day?’ Focus on the positives to set a positive tone for your entire day.

Number 1: Staying in Bed Too Long After Waking Up

Hitting the snooze button and lounging in bed can lead to grogginess and lack of motivation. Get up and start your day right away to set a productive tone. The longer you stay in bed, the harder it is to get moving. That's why I recommend the A.D.A.M morning routine! It's a morning routine so easy you'll actually do it. You can read more about that HERE.

Or, if you're serious about becoming someone who loves the mornings, we have an entire week in our 40-day health sprint devoted to helping you establish a morning routine.

If you're ready to start building a healthy lifestyle, join our next H40 health sprint. It’s a 40-day guided sprint to better physical and mental health, starting July 15th. Go HERE to join the waitlist!

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