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The MOST important question you can ask yourself.

There’s something I call the ICCY question and I’ve found that just asking this ONE question is often enough to break people out of being stuck in old habits, going nowhere.

The ICCY question: I - C - C - Y.

The question is - am I just interested in this? Or am I committed?

When I talk to people about important stuff like life or health, most people say they are interested in improving. But I’m convinced that just being interested in something isn’t enough to see results or make real progress.

We have to move past interest.

For example, I like golf but I’m not a great golfer. I know that. I’m not fooling anyone. And I could put more time into getting great at golf, but I’m just not going to do it. I’m interested in golf, but that’s about where it ends for me. I’m not actually committed to improving my golf game.

There are many people who are interested in a good marriage. But interest alone isn’t enough to make a marriage last - it takes a commitment.

That’s what the first C stands for. Commitment.

This is where you make a mental shift, like a switch that you flip, where you decide you’re going to move beyond just interest to commitment. It’s an attitude or a mindset that you’re going to do something no matter what. Commitment is what it’s going to take to see results in H40. 

The next level beyond commitment is crazy. Some people have moved past interest, and even past being just committed, and they are crazy about some things. Those extreme sport athletes that you see jumping out of planes and doing all kinds of daredevil stunts, they are at the top of their game.

They aren’t just committed to their sport, they have dedicated their lives to it. They are crazy about it. They are a fringe minority who just go above and beyond, all-in on their thing, whatever it is. So what is it for you? What are you crazy about?

For this H40 health challenge, you don’t have to go crazy. You’re welcome to, but you don’t have to. We’ll even have some ideas for you crazy people, I am definitely crazy about certain parts of my life. 

As a matter of fact, I've worked out off and on for the past 20 years. I've been very committed to what I thought was my health and physical fitness.

I've only realized the last few years that, although I was committed to working out, I was only interested in my diet.

I was one of those off and on dieters, I would try Atkins or Paleo and intermittent fasting. I would move back-and-forth in and out see some small results but for the most part, I definitely wasn't seeing the improvements in my health that I wanted to. 

I had too much fat, not enough energy, and some high blood pressure issues.  It wasn't until I moved from interested to committed to what I put in my mouth that everything seemed to change.

You have to make that leap. You have to make that decision.

I'm committed.

Because there are going to be times when you won’t feel like it. Whether it's your marriage, your career, your sports, your diet, your exercise - whatever it is you're committing to, you WILL experience challenge.

And in those moments, you need to have already made the decision that you are committing, no matter what.

So, Interested, Committed, Crazy and then the last part of the ICCY filter, Why?

As we're gearing up to start H40 on May 1st, I think this is one of the most important things for people to figure out.

Why are you doing this? Why now?

Nietzsche once said that “he who has a why can bear almost any how

If you know the WHY behind your commitment it can serve as an anchor for you in those moments when it becomes challenging.

Maybe it's because you want to be able to play with your kids without being out of breath.

Maybe it's because you're just sick of the way you feel.

Maybe there are activities or things you want to do that your body just isn't letting you do.

For me, I’m approaching 50 and I want to really enjoy these next 50 years because my personal motto is the absolute best part about life is experiencing the world with people we love.

I love adventure and traveling, and the outdoors and I need my body to be in good shape to keep attacking life.

What is it for you? Maybe it’s for someone you love. Maybe it’s because you want to be around them longer, or be more active. Maybe you want to become the best version of yourself that you can be.

Getting clear on your why, and deciding to move from interest to commitment are the things that will actually move you forward.

If you've been feeling stuck. Ask yourself the ICCY question and see if it doesn't provide some clarity for you. By the way, slots are filling up for H40, and we are so excited to get started in a few weeks. It's on May 1st, and if you haven't signed up and joined the group yet, go HERE and sign up, and I'll see you on the other side. Live Free,




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