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What Most People Don't See

Some things are obvious.

Do you want to be happier? Of course.

Healthier? Duh.

Richer? Obviously!

The problem is most of us only look at the surface level indicators of those things.

For example: We see someone else driving a nice car and assume they must have a ton of money (they could be in crippling debt for all we know). 

We see someone with a great body and are tempted to say they are healthy, even if their mental life is falling apart. 

The truth is that when it comes to health, wealth and relationships, there are some aspects that are obvious and some that are not-so-obvious. And the aspects that are not-so-obvious may actually be the most important!

Take health. We’ve all heard about exercise, eating right and getting enough sleep. 

That’s true. That’s what’s obvious. That’s the tip of the iceberg. 

BUT there are layers deep beneath that surface level that will have a profound impact on your overall health. Take, I don’t know, range of motion, for example. 

I remember seeing a guy one time who clearly spent a LOT of time in the gym. He was so bulky and muscle-bound that he could hardly turn his neck! I had to ask myself the question: is he healthy? 

It’s not so obvious, but things like stretching and mobility exercises are every bit as important as strength training and cardio when it comes to having the kind of body that lets you live the life you want to live. 

But let’s go even deeper.

Let me ask you, if you have a ripped body, but an anxious and chaotic mind. Are you healthy? 

When you dig beneath the surface, you see that your inner life - your mental life - is every bit as important to your overall health and quality of life as your physical body. 

That’s because your mind is the lens through which you experience life. 

Everything you’ve ever thought, done, or experienced is filtered through the quality of your mind and if your lens is dirty, you’re going to see dirt everywhere.

It’s not-so-obvious because pointing out the nature and quality of your mind is like trying to tell a fish about water, but through practices like sensory meditation we can start to increase our awareness and understanding of our inner world.

Or what about in the realm of finances? It’s easy to think “I want to make more money” or “I need a high income”, but there are people making 400k per year who are living paycheck to paycheck and hate what they do. We need to go beneath the surface and look at the not-so-obvious.

What really needs to change is your relationship with money. It’s not about making money. It’s about making money not a problem anymore.

Money is something we trade our time and energy for. It’s what we trade our life force for. 

Let me ask you, if you are making a million dollars a year, but you hate what you do all day, are you free? 

And what about our relationships? What does it really look like to have freedom in all of your relationships?

The obvious answer is to get along well with other people. 

But what’s not-so-obvious is the relationship that you are building with yourself at all times

The things you tell yourself. 

The way you treat yourself. 

The opportunities you create for yourself. 

All of these are crucial to living the free life, and most of us don’t spend much time thinking about our relationship with ourselves at all. Even deeper still is our relationship with our Creator. If it’s possible, or even probable that there is such a creator, wouldn’t it change everything if you could know that creator?

It would mean you’re created with a purpose. It would mean you’re deeply loved. It would mean you have a helper who is always there and always has your best interests at heart at all times.

Once you dig beneath the surface and go beyond the obvious to the not-so-obvious, you’ll see that it’s these not-so-obvious aspects that have a “trickle-up” effect on everything else. 

Get these core foundations right, and the rest will follow.

That’s what we are aiming to do with Freedomology. To help people look beyond the surface into the core elements of their lives. To help you determine what’s really important, and what’s going to drive transformation in your life. 

If you want to see beneath the surface and start pulling the levers that are going to create actual change in your life, join our community and get started on your journey to true freedom.



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